Comparing Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum: Authentication Solutions for Different Use Cases

Chimeremze Prevail Ejimadu
Published in
7 min readNov 7, 2023


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Security is a big deal. Keeping your website or app safe from unauthorized access is very important. To this effect, Laravel offers two important “locks and keys” for your web application: Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum. They serve similar purposes but are used in different situations.

Laravel Passport is your go-to choice when you need top-notch security. It’s not just a lock; it’s like a vault door for your data. If you’re working on complex projects with APIs, you know how crucial it is to follow strict security rules, like OAuth2. It is ensures that only authorized users and apps get access to your precious data.

Laravel Sanctum, on the other hand, is a simpler, sturdy lock, perfect for single-page applications (websites that act like apps) and mobile apps. It helps make sure that the people using your app are who they claim to be.

Think of Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum as two tools that help you keep your website or app safe. They work in slightly different ways and are useful in various situations, depending on your needs. Just like you use different locks for your front door and your safe at home, these tools have different uses in web development.

The aim of this article is to help you decide which “lock” is right for your API. We’ll look at the strengths and weaknesses of Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum so you can pick the one that best suits your needs.

Overview of Laravel Passport:

Laravel Passport is an Open Authorization 2.0 server implementation used for authenticating APIs using Laravel. As the tokens are only used in API authentication, Laravel Passport offers an easy way to implement the token authentication on the OAuth server.
Primary Use Case: OAuth2-Based API Authentication.

Key Features and Capabilities:

  1. Mastery of OAuth2: Laravel Passport is like the virtuoso of OAuth2. It’s not merely following the rules; it’s defining them. For advanced developers, this means that you have a tool that understands the complexities of OAuth2, enabling you to implement advanced security measures with precision.
  2. Access Tokens with Precision: It’s not just about access tokens; it’s about controlling access with precision. Passport creates access tokens that act as cryptographic keys, ensuring only the intended parties can unlock the API’s treasure trove. As an advanced developer, you appreciate the granularity of control it offers.
  3. Scaling for High Demand: Laravel Passport isn’t just for small projects. It’s like a high-performance engine built for large-scale applications. For advanced developers working on high-demand projects, it’s reassuring to know that Passport can handle substantial loads without compromising performance.
  4. Configurability: Advanced developers value configurability. Laravel Passport is a tool that you can fine-tune to your exact specifications. It adapts to your project’s unique requirements, just like an expert craftsman tailors a suit to fit perfectly.
  5. Security Variety: Advanced projects often demand a variety of security methods. Passport accommodates these needs with support for multiple security flows, including the “authorization code” and “password” methods. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife of security options at your disposal.

Overview of Laravel Sanctum:

Laravel Sanctum is like a friendly bouncer for your web application, and it’s particularly good at keeping Single Page Applications (SPAs) safe. Let’s break it down in simple terms:
Primary Use Case: Single Page Application (SPA) Authentication.

Key Features and Capabilities:

  1. Token-Based Security: Sanctum creates these tiny, secure “tokens” that users or apps use to prove they are who they say they are. It’s like giving them a special badge that says, “I’m allowed in.”
  2. Handles Web Security: For SPAs, you often need to deal with something called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which is like getting permission to use resources from another place on the web. Sanctum is great at managing this.
  3. Easy Token Management: It helps your app create, keep track of, and remove these tokens. It’s like having a key management system for your app.
  4. Traditional Session Checks: It can also do the more usual session-based security. So whether you’re building an SPA or a regular website, it’s got you covered.

Ease of Use: Passport vs. Sanctum

Now, let’s talk about how easy it is to use Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum. Think of this as comparing two tools to see which one is simpler to set up and use.

Laravel Passport:

  • Setting Up and Configuring Passport: Setting up Laravel Passport can be a bit like learning to use advanced machinery. It’s powerful, but it might seem a bit complex at first.
  • Initial Learning: When you first dive into Passport, you might need to read through the documentation and understand how OAuth2 works. This can be a bit of a learning curve.
  • Configuration Complexity: Configuring Passport, especially for various OAuth2 flows, can be a bit intricate. It may involve several steps, such as setting up client applications and scopes, which might seem daunting initially.

Laravel Sanctum:

  • Setting Up and Configuring Sanctum: Using Laravel Sanctum is like setting up a friendly security guard at your digital door. It’s straightforward and designed to make your job easy.
  • Simplicity: Sanctum is built with simplicity in mind. Its focus is on making the setup as easy as possible. If you’re familiar with Laravel, you’ll find Sanctum to be quite friendly.
  • Less Complex: Unlike OAuth2, which can be more complex, Sanctum offers a simplified approach to authentication, making it a great choice for developers who prefer straightforward solutions.

In simple words, if you want a solution that’s straightforward to set up and use, Laravel Sanctum is your choice. It’s like having a friendly security guard that doesn’t need extensive training. Laravel Passport, while more powerful, might require a bit more time and effort to learn and configure due to its robust OAuth2 support.

Performance: Passport vs. Sanctum

Let’s take a look at how Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum perform in different scenarios and what you can do to ensure optimal performance.

Passport Performance:

  • Potential Performance Considerations: Passport is like a powerful race car. It can go really fast, but it needs some careful handling to avoid speed bumps. When used in large applications or with heavy traffic, Passport can be resource-intensive. It might slow down your app if not managed well.
  • Optimizing Passport’s Performance: To keep Passport running smoothly in large applications, you can:
  1. Use caching: Passport allows you to cache the tokens, making the authentication process faster.
  2. Scale your infrastructure: If your app grows, consider adding more servers and using load balancing to distribute the traffic.

Sanctum Performance:

  • Passport can be more resource-intensive, which means it might need more server power and memory.
  • Sanctum, being lighter, is often more efficient in terms of resource usage, making it a great choice for smaller to medium-sized applications.

Security Features: Passport vs. Sanctum

Now, let’s dive into the security aspects of Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum and understand how they protect your web application.

Laravel Passport:

  • Access Tokens: Passport creates secure “access tokens.” These tokens are like digital keys that ensure only trusted users or applications can access your APIs.
  • Authorization Code and Implicit Grant: It supports various OAuth2 grant types, including the “authorization code” and “implicit” grant types, which are known for their security.
  • Scalability: Passport is designed to handle high traffic and large user bases while maintaining security, so it’s suitable for applications with extensive security requirements.

Laravel Sanctum:

  • Token-Based Authentication: Sanctum creates secure tokens for user authentication. It’s like issuing identification badges to users or applications.
  • CORS Support: It handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) gracefully, which is essential for securing web applications when resources come from different places on the web.
  • Session Authentication: While it’s great for SPAs, Sanctum can also do traditional session-based authentication, which is secure for more typical web applications.

Conclusion: Passport vs. Sanctum

Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum are two valuable tools for authentication in Laravel applications, each with its unique strengths and use cases.

Sanctum is effective for SPAs and mobile apps, but it might not provide the same level of security as Passport in scenarios requiring advanced security measures or OAuth2 compliance, especially when dealing with third-party applications and extensive access control requirements.

In simpler words, Passport is your heavy-duty security system, perfect for applications with high-security requirements, like banking apps or health records. It follows strict rules and provides strong security mechanisms, such as OAuth2. On the other hand, Sanctum is like a reliable security guard for regular web apps, SPAs, and mobile apps. It offers solid security, but it may not be the best fit for advanced or highly regulated security scenarios.

Which Package to Choose:

  • If you’re building a complex API, working with third-party applications, or need to meet stringent security requirements (like financial or healthcare applications), Laravel Passport is the go-to choice. It’s like having a high-security vault for your data.
  • For SPAs, mobile apps, or smaller web applications that require user-friendly and straightforward authentication, Laravel Sanctum is the ideal pick. It’s like a friendly security guard for your digital doors.

Choosing the right package depends on the specific requirements of your project. By understanding the strengths and limitations of Laravel Passport and Laravel Sanctum, you can confidently select the best authentication solution to keep your application secure and user-friendly. Always stay updated with the latest developments in Laravel to make informed choices and adapt to evolving security challenges.

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Chimeremeze Prevail Ejimadu\


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