Elevating Test Quality Through Observability

How Modern Observability Tools Can Transform Your Testing Strategy

Denis Peganov



The Three Pillars of Observability
- Logs
- Metrics
- Traces
Observability vs. Monitoring: What’s the Difference?
- Monitoring
- Observability
- Complementary Roles
Benefits of Observability in Testing: Real-World Examples
Tools for Implementing Observability in Testing


In today’s complex and rapidly evolving software ecosystems, relying solely on logs for debugging can be limiting. Observability goes beyond this traditional approach by offering a comprehensive view of a system’s health through three core pillars — logs, metrics, and traces. This 360-degree perspective not only accelerates debugging but also allows testers to understand intricate system behaviors and proactively identify issues. As software systems grow more complicated, observability is no longer a luxury but a necessity for effective testing. This article will delve into how observability can elevate your testing strategies and offer deep insights into system performance and functionality.

The Three Pillars of Observability

Understanding the three pillars — logs, metrics, and traces — is essential to fully leverage the power of observability in software testing. Below, we break down each pillar:


  • What: Logs are textual records produced by software applications or systems. They capture events, transactions, or errors that have occurred within the system.
  • Why: Logs are invaluable for debugging purposes, especially for diagnosing known issues where you know what to look for.
  • Benefits: Logs provide quick access to historical data, helping testers dig into details of specific events or errors.


  • What: Metrics are numerical data points collected at regular intervals. They measure various aspects of the system, such as response times, error rates, and throughput.
  • Why: Metrics offer a high-level overview of the system’s health, allowing you to identify trends, spikes, or anomalies.
  • Benefits: By understanding these numerical indicators, testers can quickly identify performance bottlenecks, system failures, or other issues that require attention.


  • What: Tracing involves tracking the journey of requests or transactions as they propagate through various components and services within the system.
  • Why: Traces are crucial for understanding how data flows through a complex, distributed system and where bottlenecks or errors occur.
  • Benefits: With tracing, testers can pinpoint the root causes of issues, especially in microservices architectures where a request may cross multiple services before completion.

By combining these three pillars, testers get a comprehensive, 360-degree view of the system. This enables not only faster and more efficient debugging but also deeper insights into system behavior, leading to more effective and proactive testing strategies.

Observability vs. Monitoring: What’s the Difference?

While observability and monitoring are terms often used interchangeably, they serve different but complementary roles in understanding system behavior and performance. Understanding these differences is key for any tester aiming to improve their testing practices.


  • What: Monitoring involves the collection of predefined metrics and logs to track the performance and health of a system.
  • Why: Its primary focus is on alerting and reporting, making sure that the system is functioning as expected based on known parameters.
  • Limitations: Monitoring is excellent for answering known questions like, “Is the server up?” or “Is the CPU usage under 80%?” However, it’s not designed to explore unknown issues or anomalies.


  • What: Observability is an attribute of a system that allows you to understand its internal state through external outputs. It integrates logs, metrics, and traces for a holistic view.
  • Why: Observability enables you to explore system behavior more deeply, offering insights into how different components interact and why a system behaves the way it does.
  • Strengths: Unlike monitoring, observability allows you to ask new, previously unthought-of questions. It enables you to diagnose complex issues that may not have been anticipated, providing a fuller understanding of system behavior.

Complementary Roles

  • Synergy: Monitoring can be considered a subset of observability, where you start with specific questions and metrics. Observability fills in the gaps, providing the tools to explore questions you didn’t know you needed to ask.
  • In Practice: For testers, integrating both monitoring and observability into your testing strategies can give you the best of both worlds. Use monitoring for alerting and keeping an eye on predefined parameters, and employ observability to delve deeper into complex issues and system behavior.

By understanding the nuances between monitoring and observability, testers can better equip themselves to tackle the challenges of modern, complex software systems. Each approach has its own set of benefits and limitations, but when used in tandem, they provide a robust framework for effective software testing.

Benefits of Observability in Testing: Real-World Examples

Faster Debugging

Example: A test fails due to a timeout. With traces, you immediately see that the payment service took too long, saving you hours of log combing.

Root Cause Analysis

Example: Users report that the login is slow. Metrics show a spike in database latency, letting you pinpoint the issue to a recent database query update.

Proactive Issue Identification

Example: You notice an abnormal rise in error rates from metrics. Before any user complains, you fix a faulty API endpoint, avoiding customer dissatisfaction.

Improved Test Coverage

Example: Metrics reveal that an “Update Profile” feature has low usage and is untested. You add tests, catching a bug that could have been overlooked.

Team Collaboration

A critical error occurs in production. Sharing the trace link with your dev team allows everyone to quickly understand what went wrong, expediting the fix.

By leveraging observability, you can accelerate debugging, target root causes effectively, identify issues proactively, improve test coverage, and enhance team collaboration.

Tools for Implementing Observability in Testing

Incorporating observability into your testing strategy requires the right set of tools. Below are some popular options categorized by the pillar of observability they serve:


  • Logstash: An open-source tool that collects, processes, and forwards log data.
  • Splunk: A powerful platform that specializes in searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data, including logs.


  • Prometheus: An open-source monitoring solution that offers robust metric collection and querying.
  • Datadog: A cloud-based monitoring and analytics tool that can aggregate metrics from various sources.


  • Jaeger: An open-source, end-to-end distributed tracing tool.
  • Zipkin: A distributed tracing system that helps gather timing data for troubleshooting latency issues.

Unified Platforms

  • Elastic Observability: Part of the Elastic Stack, offering integrated logs, metrics, and traces in a single platform.
  • New Relic: Provides an all-in-one observability experience, combining logs, metrics, and traces.

Selecting the right tools depends on your specific needs, existing technology stack, and the challenges you aim to address. The key is to find tools that not only serve individual pillars but can also integrate well to provide a holistic view of your system.

New Relic dashboard example


As software systems grow in complexity, the role of observability in testing becomes increasingly critical. It transcends traditional monitoring, offering testers the tools to ask new questions and delve deeper into the system’s behavior. Through its three pillars — logs, metrics, and traces — observability provides a 360-degree view that enables faster debugging, more accurate root cause analysis, and enhanced team collaboration. With the aid of specialized tools like Logstash, Prometheus, or New Relic, implementing observability into your testing strategy becomes an achievable goal. By embracing observability, you are not just elevating your testing practices but also setting the groundwork for a more resilient and high-performing software system.

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