Integrating Pony ORM with Django

Osirus Djodji
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024


Django is a powerful web framework for building web applications in Python. While Django comes with its built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system, some developers may prefer alternative ORM libraries for specific use cases. Pony ORM is one such library that offers a lightweight and intuitive approach to database management. In this article, we’ll explore how to integrate Pony ORM with Django to leverage its features while building Django applications.

Understanding Pony ORM:

Before diving into integration, let’s briefly revisit Pony ORM. Pony ORM is an object-relational mapping library for Python that simplifies database operations by providing a high-level abstraction over database tables and relationships. With Pony ORM, developers can define database entities using Python classes and perform CRUD operations using Pythonic syntax.

Why Integrate Pony ORM with Django?: While Django’s built-in ORM is robust and feature-rich, there are scenarios where developers may prefer the simplicity and flexibility offered by Pony ORM. Integrating Pony ORM with Django allows developers to leverage Pony ORM’s features while benefiting from Django’s powerful web development capabilities, such as URL routing, views, and templates.

Integration Steps:

  1. Install Pony ORM: Begin by installing Pony ORM in your Django project. You can do this using pip:
pip install pony

2. Define Pony Models: Define your database entities using Pony ORM models. These models will represent your database tables and relationships. Pony ORM models are similar to Django models but offer a different syntax. Here’s an example of defining Pony models for a blog application:

from pony.orm import Database, Required

db = Database()

class Post(db.Entity):
title = Required(str)
content = Required(str)
author = Required(str)

3. Configure Pony ORM in Django: In your Django project settings, configure Pony ORM to use the same database backend as Django’s ORM. You can do this by specifying the database connection settings in Pony ORM’s db.bind() method. Here's an example of configuring Pony ORM to use the same database as Django:

db.bind(provider='django', **django.db.connections['default'].settings_dict)

4. Generate Database Tables: Once Pony ORM is configured, generate the database tables based on your Pony models. You can do this by calling db.generate_mapping() in your Django application's initialization code:


5. Using Pony Models in Django Views: With Pony ORM integrated into your Django project, you can now use Pony models in your Django views to perform database operations. For example, to retrieve all posts from the database:

from .models import Post

def post_list(request):
posts =
return render(request, 'blog/post_list.html', {'posts': posts})

Benefits of Integration:

  • Simplicity: Pony ORM’s intuitive syntax simplifies database management in Django projects.
  • Flexibility: Developers can leverage Pony ORM’s features while benefiting from Django’s web development capabilities.
  • Performance: Pony ORM’s lightweight nature may offer performance benefits in certain use cases.

Considerations and Best Practices:

  • Migration: If migrating an existing Django project to use Pony ORM, carefully plan the migration process and test thoroughly.
  • Documentation: Familiarize yourself with both Pony ORM and Django documentation to effectively leverage their features.


Integrating Pony ORM with Django offers developers a lightweight and intuitive approach to database management while building Django applications. By following the steps outlined in this article, developers can leverage Pony ORM’s features alongside Django’s powerful web development capabilities to build robust and scalable web applications.

Call to Action:

Ready to explore Pony ORM integration with Django? Dive into the official documentation for both Pony ORM and Django, and start integrating Pony ORM into your Django projects today! Share your experiences and best practices with the Django and Pony ORM communities to contribute to the ecosystem.

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