Mastering TypeScript: Basic TypeScript Syntax and Types

Toni Maxx
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024


🔗 Main Content / Basic TypeScript Syntax and Types


Explore the essentials of TypeScript syntax and types. This comprehensive guide covers basic types, arrays, tuples, and enumerations, along with special types like ‘any’, ‘unknown’, and ‘never’. Learn through practical examples and use cases how TypeScript enhances coding efficiency and error management compared to JavaScript and Python.

In this article, we’ll explore the fundamental building blocks of TypeScript: its syntax and types. TypeScript is like a superhero 🦸‍♂️ that swoops in to catch potential errors and bugs before they wreak havoc on your code.

We’ll start by diving into the basic types like strings, numbers, and booleans, and how TypeScript’s type inference 🔍 can save you time and effort. Then, we’ll venture into arrays, tuples, and enumerations (enums) 🗂️, learning how to create and manipulate collections of data with ease.

Throughout this article, we’ll compare TypeScript with JavaScript and Python, highlighting how TypeScript’s static typing system can give you an edge in writing cleaner and more maintainable code. 🌟

So, whether you’re a TypeScript novice or a seasoned developer looking to strengthen your foundations, this article is your ultimate guide to mastering the basics of TypeScript syntax and types. Get ready to level up your coding game! 💻🚀

Let’s dive in and discover the superpowers of TypeScript together! 🌠

Basic Types

Strings, Numbers, and Booleans
Example: let age: number = 30;
Use Case: Using TypeScript for input validation ensures that function parameters meet expected types, reducing runtime errors.

Type Inference
Example: let isCompleted = false; // TypeScript infers boolean
Use Case: Simplifies code maintenance by reducing the need to explicitly define types where easily inferred from context.

Arrays and Tuples

Example: let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
Use Case: Ideal for handling collections of values where type uniformity is necessary for functions like mathematical operations.

Example: let person: [string, number] = ['Alice', 25];
Use Case: Useful in situations where a fixed format data like a CSV row needs to be handled, ensuring each item is correctly typed.

Enumerations (Enums)

Defining Enums
Example: enum Color {Red, Green, Blue}
Use Case: Enums are perfect for handling a set of related constants, such as configuration options or UI themes, to improve code readability and safety.

Enum Types
Example: enum StatusCode {Success = 200, NotFound = 404}
Use Case: Use string-based enums for better debugging and logging, allowing messages to display meaningful status codes.

Special Types: Any, Unknown, and Never

Example: let notSure: any = 4; notSure = 'maybe a string instead';
Use Case: Transition tool for migrating JavaScript code to TypeScript, or when dealing with data of unknown type.

Example: let uncertain: unknown = 30;
Use Case: Use when you need to ensure type safety, requiring a type check before performing any operations.

Example: function error(message: string): never { throw new Error(message); }
Use Case: Ideal for functions that never return and shouldn’t produce a value, like error handling functions.

Comparison with JavaScript and Python

  • TypeScript vs. JavaScript: TypeScript’s static typing allows developers to catch errors during compilation, unlike JavaScript’s runtime error discovery.
  • TypeScript vs. Python: TypeScript’s type system is stricter and more predictable compared to Python’s optional type hints, providing clearer documentation and error checking.


This article provided an overview of TypeScript’s basic syntax and types with practical examples and use cases, highlighting the advantages of a statically typed language in reducing bugs and improving code clarity.

Key Takeaways

  • TypeScript enhances JavaScript by providing a static typing system.
  • The use of specific types like enums and tuples helps maintain code integrity and clarity.
  • Transitioning from any to more specific types like unknown or using strict typing can greatly improve code safety and robustness.

Experiment with the types and examples provided by converting existing JavaScript or Python functions to TypeScript. Observe how the addition of types can prevent common bugs and clarify function contracts. Stay tuned for the next article where we delve deeper into TypeScript’s functions and interfaces, building on these foundational concepts.

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