Optimizing Java for Low-Latency Applications

Alexander Obregon
Published in
11 min readNov 29, 2023


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Low latency is critical in many applications, such as financial trading systems, real-time data processing, and online gaming. Java, a popular programming language and platform, is commonly used in these areas but is often criticized for its garbage collection and somewhat unpredictable performance in low-latency scenarios. This post will explore strategies and best practices to optimize Java applications for low-latency requirements.

Understanding Java’s Garbage Collection and Its Impact on Latency

Java’s memory management, particularly its garbage collection (GC) processes, plays a pivotal role in application performance and latency. Understanding and optimizing garbage collection is essential for any Java developer aiming to minimize latency in their applications.

Garbage Collection Basics

In Java, memory management is primarily handled through garbage collection. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) automatically allocates memory when objects are created and reclaims it when they are no longer needed. This automatic process is both a blessing and a challenge for developers, especially in low-latency environments.

Garbage collection in Java works in phases:

  • Marking: The GC identifies which objects are still in use.
  • Normal Deleting (Optional): Removes unreferenced objects.
  • Compacting (Optional): Moves live objects together to prevent memory fragmentation.

These phases can cause pauses in the application, as the JVM often needs to stop the application threads to perform these tasks (‘stop-the-world’ events).

Impact on Latency

The key issue with garbage collection in the context of low-latency applications is these ‘stop-the-world’ pauses. During these pauses, the application can’t respond to new requests, process data, or update the user interface. This delay is particularly problematic in systems where response time is critical, such as in financial trading systems or real-time data analytics.

For example, in a high-frequency trading application, even a few milliseconds of delay caused by GC can result in significant financial loss. Similarly, in online gaming, GC-induced latency can disrupt the player experience, leading to frustration and potential disengagement.

Choosing the Right Garbage Collector

Java offers several garbage collectors, each with its own set of trade-offs in terms of throughput, latency, and footprint. Selecting the right garbage collector is crucial for optimizing application performance:

  • Serial GC: Ideal for small applications with low memory footprint. Not suitable for low-latency applications due to longer GC pauses.
  • Parallel GC (Throughput Collector): Focuses on maximizing application throughput by utilizing multiple threads for garbage collection. However, it still suffers from significant pause times, making it less ideal for low-latency applications.
  • CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep): Designed to minimize pause times by performing most of its work concurrently with application threads. While it offers lower pause times, CMS can suffer from fragmentation and longer overall GC times.
  • G1 (Garbage-First Collector): Aims to provide a good balance between throughput and pause times. It works by dividing the heap into regions and prioritizing the collection of regions with the most garbage, hence the name ‘Garbage-First’.
  • ZGC (Z Garbage Collector) and Shenandoah: The newest collectors designed for low-latency applications. They aim to achieve pause times of less than 10ms, even on large heaps, by performing most tasks concurrently with the application threads.

Best Practices for Garbage Collection Tuning

  • Heap Size Optimization: Adjusting the size of the heap can significantly impact GC performance. A heap that is too small can cause frequent GC cycles, while a very large heap may lead to longer GC pauses.
  • Generational Hypothesis: Java’s heap is divided into generations (young, old, and permanent). Understanding the allocation patterns of your application can help in tuning the sizes of these generations for optimal performance.
  • GC Logging and Monitoring: Using tools like JVisualVM or GC logs can help in understanding the behavior of GC in your application, identifying issues like frequent or long pauses.

Real-world Implications

In real-world scenarios, the choice and tuning of the garbage collector can have a significant impact. For instance, a financial trading application might benefit from using ZGC or Shenandoah to reduce pause times, whereas a less latency-sensitive application with a large data set might perform better with G1 or Parallel GC.

Understanding and optimizing Java’s garbage collection is crucial for developing low-latency applications. By selecting the appropriate garbage collector and tuning it according to the application’s needs, developers can significantly reduce pause times and improve overall application performance. Continuous monitoring and profiling are key to achieving and maintaining low latency in Java applications.

Code Optimization Techniques

Optimizing code in Java is an essential step towards achieving low latency in applications. Efficient coding not only improves execution speed but also reduces the burden on the garbage collector, leading to fewer pauses and improved application responsiveness. Here are some key techniques:

Efficient Data Structures

  • Choosing the Right Data Structure: The choice of data structure has a significant impact on performance. For instance, ArrayList is usually faster than LinkedList for random access, but LinkedList is faster for removing elements in the middle of the list.


List<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> linkedList = new LinkedList<>();

// Example of adding elements - faster in ArrayList
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

// Example of random access - faster in ArrayList
int a = arrayList.get(5000);
int b = linkedList.get(5000); // Slower
  • Primitive Types Over Boxed Types: Use primitive types (int, long, double, etc.) instead of boxed types (Integer, Long, Double, etc.) where possible to avoid unnecessary object creation and garbage collection.


// Avoid
ArrayList<Integer> boxedTypes = new ArrayList<>();

// Prefer
int[] primitiveTypes = new int[10000];
  • Custom Data Structures: In some cases, building custom data structures tailored to specific use cases can lead to performance gains.

Avoiding Memory Leaks

  • Proper Resource Management: Ensure that resources like streams, connections, and other I/O objects are properly closed after use. Using try-with-resources statements can automate this process.


// Using try-with-resources for automatic resource management
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("file.txt");
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis)) {
// Read from the file
} catch (IOException e) {
  • Weak References and Caches: Use weak references for caches or other large data structures that can be recreated, allowing the garbage collector to reclaim them when memory is needed.
  • Profiling for Memory Leaks: Regularly profile your application to identify and fix memory leaks, which can lead to increased garbage collection and latency.

Algorithm Optimization

  • Complexity Reduction: Focus on reducing the time complexity of algorithms. Even small changes in algorithmic efficiency can have significant impacts on performance, especially in large-scale or high-frequency operations.
  • Loop Optimization: Simple techniques like minimizing work inside loops, avoiding method calls within loops, and loop unrolling can improve performance.


// Before Optimization
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

// After Optimization
int size = list.size(); // Cache size
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  • Lazy Evaluation: Delay computation or object creation until absolutely necessary, especially for expensive operations.


public class Lazy {
private volatile HeavyResource heavyResource;

public HeavyResource getHeavyResource() {
if (heavyResource == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (heavyResource == null) {
heavyResource = new HeavyResource(); // Expensive operation
return heavyResource;

JIT Compiler Optimizations

  • Understanding JIT Compilation: Java’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler optimizes code at runtime. Writing JIT-friendly code can enhance performance.


// Simple, straightforward methods are more likely to be inlined by JIT
public int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
  • Inlining and Loop Unrolling: These are common optimizations performed by JIT. Writing code that facilitates these optimizations can result in faster execution.

Multithreading and Concurrency

  • Effective Use of Threads: Proper use of multithreading can significantly improve application performance, especially in multi-core environments.
  • Synchronization Minimization: Overuse of synchronization can lead to thread contention and increased latency. Use finer-grained locks or lock-free data structures where appropriate.


// Instead of synchronizing the whole method
public synchronized void updateResource() {
// update shared resource

// Use finer-grained locks
public void updateResource() {
synchronized (lockObject) {
// update shared resource

Real-world Examples

  • Case Study — Optimizing a Financial Algorithm: Reducing the time complexity of a calculation in a trading algorithm from O(n²) to O(n log n) significantly reduced latency and improved throughput.
  • Gaming Engine Optimization: Tweaking data structures and algorithms in a gaming engine to reduce garbage collection and optimize rendering times.

Code optimization in Java is a multifaceted task, involving careful selection of data structures, efficient resource management, algorithmic improvements, and effective use of the JVM’s capabilities. These techniques not only reduce the latency of applications but also enhance overall performance, scalability, and reliability. Regular profiling and performance testing are key to identifying areas for optimization and ensuring that these techniques are effectively applied.

JVM Tuning for Low Latency

JVM tuning is an art that involves configuring the Java Virtual Machine to optimize its performance, particularly in low-latency applications. Proper JVM tuning can reduce garbage collection pauses, optimize memory usage, and enhance overall application responsiveness.

JVM Flags and Parameters

  • Heap Size Optimization: Setting the initial (-Xms) and maximum (-Xmx) heap sizes properly can prevent frequent garbage collections. However, a too-large heap size might lead to longer GC pauses.
  • Garbage Collector Selection: As discussed earlier, selecting the right garbage collector is crucial. Use flags like -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, or -XX:+UseZGC depending on the chosen collector.
  • Tuning Garbage Collector Parameters: Fine-tuning parameters specific to the chosen garbage collector can help in optimizing performance, such as configuring the size of young generation in G1 GC using -XX:G1NewSizePercent and -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent.

Monitoring and Profiling Tools

  • JVM Profiling Tools: Tools like JProfiler, YourKit, and Java Mission Control provide insights into JVM performance, including heap usage, garbage collection statistics, and thread activity.
  • GC Logging and Analysis: Enabling GC logging using -Xlog:gc and analyzing the logs with tools like GCViewer or GCEasy can help identify GC-related performance issues.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Using real-time monitoring tools like VisualVM or jConsole for observing the JVM’s performance under load can help in making informed tuning decisions.

Case Study in Trading Systems: BIDS Trading and JVM Optimization

In the high-stakes world of high-frequency trading, where every microsecond counts, BIDS Trading provides a compelling real-world example of the profound impact of JVM tuning. By leveraging Azul Platform Prime, BIDS Trading achieved remarkable performance enhancements with minimal development effort specifically dedicated to performance tuning. Despite allocating less than 1% of their development resources to performance tuning, their system outperformed typical payment transactions or websites by a thousandfold, as stated by their CTO, Brett Vasconcellos​​.

This exceptional performance was not solely in raw speed. BIDS Trading managed to simultaneously reduce their server costs by fivefold and lower system management overhead. This achievement underscores the effectiveness of JVM tuning in a trading system, especially in high-frequency trading environments where reaction times must consistently remain in microseconds, even during market anomalies like ‘black swan’ events​​​​.

The case of BIDS Trading demonstrates that strategic JVM tuning, including the optimization of heap size and the use of sophisticated garbage collection strategies, can lead to significant improvements in system performance and efficiency in the demanding realm of financial trading.

Advanced JVM Tuning Techniques

  • Off-Heap Memory Management: Utilizing off-heap memory can reduce the load on garbage collection by storing large data sets outside the Java heap.
  • JVM Code Cache Tuning: Tuning the JVM’s code cache using flags like -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize and -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize can improve the performance of JIT compilation.
  • JVM Compiler Flags: Flags like -XX:CompileThreshold can be used to control when methods are JIT compiled, impacting performance.

Best Practices and Considerations

  • Beware of Over-tuning: Over-tuning or using too many JVM flags can sometimes lead to unpredictable behavior. Start with a few key changes and incrementally adjust based on monitoring results.
  • Testing in a Realistic Environment: JVM settings that work well in a test environment might not perform the same in production. Ensure thorough testing under realistic load conditions.
  • Regular Review and Update: JVM performance tuning is not a one-time task. Regularly review and update JVM settings to align with application changes and updates in JVM technology.

JVM tuning for low latency is a critical aspect of optimizing Java applications. By carefully adjusting JVM parameters, utilizing profiling tools, and applying advanced techniques, developers can achieve significant improvements in application responsiveness and reliability. It’s important to approach JVM tuning methodically, with a focus on continuous monitoring and iterative improvement.

Design Patterns and Architectural Considerations

In the realm of low-latency Java applications, the architecture and design patterns you choose are as crucial as the code you write. These choices dictate how well your application can handle high volumes of data, concurrent requests, and the need for rapid, real-time processing.

Embracing Concurrency and Parallelism

Concurrency and parallelism are key in low-latency systems. Designing your application to effectively utilize multiple cores and threads can drastically reduce processing time. This involves not just spawning multiple threads but also ensuring that these threads work efficiently and safely together. It’s about striking the right balance between doing things concurrently, to speed up processing, and managing the overhead that concurrency introduces.

Leveraging Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming is a powerful tool in the low-latency toolkit. It allows your application to handle tasks in a non-blocking manner, freeing up resources to do more work while waiting for I/O operations or other long-running tasks to complete. This pattern is particularly beneficial in network programming and I/O-heavy applications, where it prevents threads from being idle while waiting for data.

Microservices for Scalability and Maintenance

Breaking down a monolithic application into microservices can have a profound impact on performance, especially when it comes to scaling. Microservices allow different parts of your application to scale independently based on demand. This architectural style also facilitates quicker deployments and updates, which is crucial in maintaining low latency in a dynamic environment. However, it’s important to balance the benefits of microservices with the potential overhead they introduce in terms of network latency and complexity.

Caching Strategies

Effective caching can significantly reduce latency by avoiding repetitive and time-consuming computations or database queries. The trick lies in determining what to cache, when to cache it, and for how long. It’s a game of predicting your application’s needs and behavior while ensuring that the cached data remains relevant and up-to-date.

Event-Driven Architecture

An event-driven architecture is often synonymous with responsive and efficient systems. By decoupling the components of your application and having them react to events rather than poll for changes, you can achieve lower latency. This pattern is particularly useful in applications where real-time responsiveness to external changes is critical.

Considerations for Low-Latency Design

When designing for low latency, it’s crucial to consider the trade-offs. For instance, while microservices can offer scalability, they also introduce network latency. Similarly, aggressive caching might speed up certain operations but can lead to stale data if not managed correctly. The key lies in thoroughly understanding your application’s requirements and user expectations. Continuous profiling, testing, and tuning are integral to maintaining optimal performance as user patterns and data volumes change.

Designing for low latency in Java applications is a multifaceted endeavor. It requires a deep understanding of concurrency, asynchronous programming, microservices architecture, caching strategies, and event-driven design. Each of these elements plays a vital role in how your application performs under load and how quickly it can respond to user requests. Balancing these aspects, while continuously monitoring and tweaking your application, is essential for achieving and maintaining the desired low-latency performance.


Optimizing Java for low-latency applications is a multifaceted challenge that encompasses a deep understanding of the Java Virtual Machine, efficient coding practices, and thoughtful architectural decisions. From selecting the right garbage collector and fine-tuning JVM parameters to employing efficient code patterns and embracing robust architectural designs like microservices and event-driven architectures, each aspect plays a critical role in enhancing application performance. As the demand for rapid, real-time processing grows in sectors like finance, data analytics, and gaming, the ability to skillfully optimize Java applications becomes increasingly valuable. It’s important to remember that optimization is an ongoing process, requiring continuous monitoring, testing, and adaptation to evolving requirements and technological advancements. With the right approach and tools, Java’s versatility and performance can be fully harnessed to meet the demanding low-latency requirements of modern applications.

  1. Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version Documentation
  2. How to Build Low Latency Java Applications — Stratoflow
  3. Java Optimization: 5 Essential Techniques & Tools that Can Help — Granulate


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