Run Playwright Tests at Scale with Microsoft Playwright Testing

Using Microsoft Azure

Chad Adams
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2024


Promo image — Azure X Playwright

Ever struggle with slow and limited test runs for your modern web applications? Microsoft Playwright Testing can be your solution. Built on the popular open-source Playwright framework, Microsoft Playwright Testing is a managed service that lets you run end-to-end tests in the cloud with significant advantages.

What is Microsoft Playwright Testing?

Microsoft Playwright Testing allows you to distribute your Playwright tests across multiple browsers and operating systems simultaneously. This parallel execution translates to much faster test runs, giving you broader coverage and quicker feedback during development.

Benefits of Azure Playwright Testing

  • Scalability: Run tests on up to 50 browsers in parallel, leveraging the cloud to go beyond the limitations of your local machine.
  • Expanded Browser Coverage: Test against various browsers (Chromium, WebKit, Firefox) and operating systems (Linux, Windows) to ensure a wider range of compatibility.
  • Flexibility: Test publicly available applications, those behind a firewall, or even applications running on your local development server.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate your existing Playwright test suite without needing to modify your test code.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Pay-as-you-go pricing ensures you only pay for the resources you use.

Getting Started with Microsoft Playwright Testing

Creating Microsoft Playwright in Azure.

Here’s a quick look at how to get started with Microsoft Playwright Testing:

  1. Set up a free Azure account or use your existing one.
  2. Create a Playwright Testing workspace in the Playwright portal.
  3. Configure your Playwright tests:
  • Ensure your tests are written using the Playwright framework.
  • Define the browsers and operating systems you want to test against within your project configuration.

Run your tests:

  • Use the Playwright CLI or integrate with your CI/CD pipeline (e.g., Azure Pipelines, GitHub Actions) to trigger test runs on the cloud.

Sample Code

Here’s a simple Playwright test that can be used with Microsoft Playwright Testing:

const playwright = require('playwright');

(async () => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();

await page.goto('');
await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });

await browser.close();

This test opens the URL “" in a Chromium browser, takes a screenshot, and closes the browser. With Microsoft Playwright Testing, you can configure this test to run on multiple browsers and operating systems simultaneously.

Other forms of testing

Beyond screenshots, Playwright Testing offers a variety of functionalities to validate your web applications:

  • Functional Testing: Simulate user interactions like clicking buttons, filling forms, and submitting data to verify application behavior matches expectations.
  • API Testing: Interact with application APIs directly using Playwright’s built-in capabilities to test data exchange and functionality.
  • Navigation Testing: Ensure smooth navigation between different pages within your application and test for proper loading and rendering.
  • Accessibility Testing: Playwright can be extended with accessibility testing libraries to identify potential issues for users with disabilities.
  • State Management Testing: Verify that your application manages data states correctly across different user interactions and scenarios.

Remember, Playwright leverages Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox browsers, allowing you to test these functionalities across various browser engines. This comprehensive testing approach helps ensure a robust and user-friendly web application.

Microsoft Playwright Testing offers a powerful and scalable solution for running end-to-end tests for your web applications. By leveraging the cloud, you can achieve faster test runs, broader coverage, and improved development velocity.

Ready to take your web application testing to the next level? Try Azure Playwright Testing today!

For further details and comprehensive documentation, refer to the official Microsoft Playwright Testing documentation

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Microsoft Corporation. The author is an employee of Microsoft, but this content is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, sponsored, or specifically approved by Microsoft and should not be considered as professional advice from Microsoft.

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Principal Product Designer @ Microsoft | EMBA | Commercial Remote Pilot